My Boyfriend is a Vampire Wiki

Seo Kang-hoo in color

Seo Kang-hoo is a tall, silver-haired and red-eyed vampire who is born in an elite family and he is first introduced into the story when Yoo Da-in comes by his school to meet Jang Seo Wool (Da-In's friend). Seeing there is a forest on school grounds, Da-In walks about. But upon seeing Kang-hoo attack a female student named Yun Chae-Ryung, Da-In strikes him in the back and then in the face with a roundhouse kick. He later reappears when he attempts to stop Seo Ji-hoo (Kang-hoo's brother), from killing humans in a secluded barn.

Kang-hoo's personality is completely different from Ji-hoo. He is seen as a cool and collect student that is able to think rationally in difficult situations. To those at the school and among the vampire community, he is frequently viewed as cold and unfriendly despite his popularity, but he is actually kind who always thinking about others. But as the story progresses, his strong feelings for Da-In leads him to make impulsive decisions and even throw away his pride if it was for her sake. However, he consistently continued to make decisive decisions throughout the books.


  • In the English Version, his name is 'Ryu Mason' (or just 'Ryu').



Kang-hoo and Yoo Da-in
